Hey there,
I’m Sammie.
A holistic nutritionist and Functional Medicine RN who believes a healthy gut is the foundation for overall health.
I discovered the connection between our gut and overall health at a young age. Battling chronic migraines in my teens, I met with many neurologists who wanted to start me on medicines used to treat conditions I didn’t have. Eventually a naturopath educated me on the importance of nutrition and how the quality of food we consume impacts our bodies. She helped me change how I ate and within a month my migraines dropped in half.
Fascinated with the body’s ability to heal itself given the right nutrients, I decided to study physiology and nutrition in college. After graduating, I went to nursing school and soon began working in hospitals. While caring for patients inside the medical system, I saw how little physicians were educating patients’ about the body and nutrition connection. Traditional medicine was focused more on treating symptoms with pharmaceuticals than uncovering the root of the problem and looking at the body as a whole. What information patients’ got about nutrition came if they were lucky enough to get a consult with a Registered Dietician, and hardly anyone was touching on the importance of movement, stress management and self-care.
Wanting to help people get to the root cause of their health concerns and heal rather than mask symptoms with pharmaceuticals, I decided to partner with clients directly and provide them the tools they need to transform their health.
Using my expertise and experience, I now work with clients on a one-on-one basis, using functional medicine to get to the root of their health concerns while incorporating a whole body approach. In addition to nutrition guidelines, my personalized plans include holistic lifestyle changes like movement, stress management and self care that are easy to implement in your everyday life and change your health in the long run.